“Non guidare d’istinto, ma distante” (Don’t pass instinctively, pass safely), the new initiative by Elastic Interface® to promote cycling road safety. 

From 8th January Elastic Interface®’s customised van can be seen on the roads and streets most commonly used by the Province of Treviso’s cyclists. 

With the message to respect and look out for cyclists on the back “Non guidare d’istinto, ma distante. Rispetta la distanza di sicurezza.” (Don’t drive impulsively, leave space. Keep a safe distance), the slogan is backed up with graphics of a cyclist and vehicle 1.5 metres apart.

The initiative aims to raise awareness amongst motorists and cyclists about the importance of us all sharing the roads safely and respectfully. 

Cyclist safety, too many road accidents

The statistics are alarming: a staggering 195 deaths caused by road accidents involving cyclists were recorded in 2024. The lack of cycle lanes and sharing roads with other vehicles makes cyclists particularly vulnerable, especially when training. 

Any air turbulence created by passing vehicles can potentially be dangerous and destabilise a cyclist.

A shared commitment with Paola Gianotti

Cycling road safety is also a subject held dear by brand ambassador and athlete Paola Gianotti, with whom Elastic Interface® celebrated ten years of collaboration in November 2024 on the 10th anniversary of her round-the-world tour. 

While Paola was circumnavigating the globe in 2014 she was involved in a road accident when an inattentive motorist ran her over. Once Paola had recovered from her injuries, she started to promote a cycling road safety campaign by posting her road signs around Italy to remind drivers to keep a safe distance from cyclists and proposing legislation to make the 1.5-metre safety distance compulsory when overtaking.

Elastic Interface® is keen to emphasise the importance of a cultural change in how we share our roads. Legislation is not enough; all road users, cyclists and motorists alike, must follow the highway code and coexist in a civilised manner.

It is vital that we all follow the highway code and pay attention to others when out on the roads, whether we are driving a car or riding a bike. But most importantly, we must pay particular attention to more vulnerable road users as they do not have protection in the event of a collision.”

The campaign is in line with the common benefit objectives chosen by Elastic Interface®, namely promoting cycling road safety. 

If you want collaborate in this campaign, reach out in our contact page.