Terms and conditions

CyTech S.r.l. (hereafter referred to as “CyTech” or “the company”) provides website feature and other services to you when you visit elasticinterface.com (hearafter referred to as “the website”). CyTech provides services to you subject to the conditions set out on this page. By using CyTech Services, you agree to be bound by these conditions. If there are any questions regarding our terms and conditions, please do contact us at info@elasticinterface.com.

Company Information

CyTech SRL
Via Roma, 106 – 31020 San Vendemiano (TV),

Tel.: 0039 0438 403271
Fax: 0039 0438 401718
E-mail: info@elasticinterface.com

C.F. e P.IVA IT 03587250261
Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di TREVISO
Nr.Reg.Imp. 3587250261
Nr. R.E.A. TV – 282792

Contact information

The CyTech team is available to answer any questions and can be contacted at the following e-mail address info@elasticinterface.com , or at the following postal address:

CyTech SRL
Via Roma, 106 – 31020 San Vendemiano (TV),

Tel.: 0039 0438 403271
Fax: 0039 0438 401718

Intellectual property rights

Usage of elasticinterface.com site does not grant rights to any copyright or intellectual property rights related to the content of the site, which is protected by national and international laws. Any site content can only be reproduced or distributed with previous express written permission from CyTech S.r.l. Unipersonale.

Changes of terms and conditions of use of elasticinterface.com
This version of the Terms and Conditions of Use has been updated on March 29, 2017. Any change we may make in the future will be posted on this page.


CyTech SRL can not be held responsible for any problem related to unwanted errors or act of god, even if due to malfunction or inefficiency of electronic services.

Personal data

The collection and storage of personal information submitted is governed by the Italian privacy law. Data are collected electronically and treated directly or indirectly for the sole purpose of order execution and services related to internal statistics, including sending promotional material by e-mail. In order to comply with certain fiscal, logistic and marketing activities it may be necessary to disclose certain information, for example to banks, couriers, consultants and public offices. Users can obtain information on how we process personal information by accessing our Privacy Policy.(*)

Governing law, dispute settlement and competent jurisdiction

These TERMS AND CONDITIONS are governed by Italian law and will be interpreted according to it. Therefore, the interpretation, execution and cancellation of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS are subject exclusively to Italian law and any disputes relating to and/or consequential to them shall be resolved exclusively by Italian courts. Any disputes will be resolved by the Court of Treviso.